FWR Episode 001

Episode 001 of FWR is now ready for your consumption. This week we discuss the thorny issues of intellectual property, copyright and ownership, and cast an eye towards the future of digital media distribution. Trevor manages to say “very” at least 30 times and Shane rescues the podcast from the Skype goblins.

But more specifically:

We discuss feedback on our Facebook forum by Netwurker Mez (read about the Versional) and Abby B. on last week’s show.

Join the FWR Book Club by checking out Digital Culture, Play, and Identity: A World of Warcraft Reader, Edited by Hilde G. Corneliussen and Jill Walker Rettberg.

Trevor’s podcasted Games and Lit class: Episode 1, Episode 2, Episode 3

We welcome your comments, questions, and criticisms here at the blog, our Gmail address, and our Facebook group. Thanks for listening.

No Responses to “FWR Episode 001”

  • netwurker Says:

    howdy again fellas + all.

    1stly, thanks for the feedback on my feedback [recursiveness, any1?;)]. establishing multilogues is the go[go]. glad 2 b part of such a multi-channelled discussion.

    again, a few points on _01_:

    1) ur personal[ised] background-intro sets up such delicious contextualisation ie breaking down that professional vs amateur barrier. it purrfectly illustrates wot participatory culture *is*[or should be]. this stylistic is essentially wot valid>relevant contemporary discourse embodies; merging experientiality with open-ended facilitation>speculation>curiosity rather than shining a harsh in[s]t[itutional]errogative expert light. Yay u!

    2) completely agree with ur [shared] desire 2 assist in the formulation of “sustained conversations” regarding game studies rather than hierarchical emulation.

    3) thoroughly enjoyed ur [articulate] burbling on piracy, copyright, IP + economics [can i request a further unpack of ur definition of _disposable income_?] . also ur suggestions regarding a type of reconciliation of gamer literacy/archiving + integrative re-working of printcentric tendencies + new audience generation eg Doctorow’s publishing both on + offline.

    4) interesting re ur examination of kathy acker’s work[s] + identity notions. i’m actually writing about _identity ecologies_ 4 this weeks aug’s entry; stay tuned:)

    that’s it from my neck-o’-the-synthetic-woods. thx again 4 such a vibrant contribution to gamersville.


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